Instructions for use Wormin

Action capsules Wormin aimed at addressing the diseases caused by helminthic infestation, as well as to cleanse the body from decomposition products of the vital activity of parasites. The capsules are a effective action against the worms, which are not toxic and do not affect human health. The use of capsules shown people who are already infected by worms, as well as those that were exposed. Capsules suitable for use as an agent prophylactic.

Use Wormin capsules for the treatment and prevention of worms

Directions for use Wormin

Use capsules Wormin in the following cases:

  • If You have been diagnosed with infestation of parasites.
  • For the prevention of infection, in case of contact with the carriers of the disease, if you are working with the land, animals contaminated water.
  • The application is also advisable in situations in which the use of the low quality of the food or products of animal origin which is not subjected to heat treatment.
  • For people with weakened immune systems.

Indications for the use of capsules Wormin apply to people of all ages. The preparation contains in its composition only vegetable based, so that the capsules for everyone.


The contraindications for the use of the drug is not revealed, but in case of hypersensitivity to any of the components of the composition, the use of capsules with caution. Side effects after medication were observed.

Instructions for use capsules

Apply the product 1-2 times a day for a half hour of eating. In each package there is a manual that describes in detail how to use the capsules. Treatment of the body of all kinds of parasites with the capsules Wormin. To buy the drug in the country, in Slovenia, on the official website. The price quoted is a special offer from the manufacturer. The number of promotional goods is limited!